
Showing posts from September, 2020

Should I take pride in helping others?

Every thought projected from every brain goes on until it meets a fit object that will receive it . Any mind which is open to receive some of these will take them immediately. Suppose I am doing a good act, my mind is in a certain state of vibration and all minds which are in a similar state, have the possibility of being affected by the vibration of my mind. Same is the case with evil act. So we should be very careful with our thoughts . An action once done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit. No power in nature can stop it from yielding its results . If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is no power in this universe to stop or stay it. Similarly, if I do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop it from bearing good results Then there is this problem. We cannot breathe or live without injuring others. If you think deeper, you'll understand that every bit of the food we eat is taken away from someone's mouth . We may work throug

Top Ten Self-Help quotes

If you can invariably take the position of a giver , in which everything given by you is a free offering to the world, without any thought of return, then your work will bring no attachment. Attachment comes only where we expect a return If working like slaves results in selfishness and attachment, working as master of our own mind gives rise to bliss . When work becomes worship, it becomes the greatest . Continuous denial of low desires results in our unlimited expansion The desire to do good is the highest motive power we have and know that, it is a privilege to help others . All good acts tend to make us pure and perfect No beggar whom we have helped, has ever owed a single cent to us ; we owe everything to him, because he has allowed us to exercise our charity on him . It is entirely wrong to be proud of what we have done to 'help' people. Such thoughts only bring misery The world does not owe us anything. It is a great privilege for all of us to be allowed to do anything

Seven Golden rules of duty

We are all composed of three natural forces in us - Equilibrium, Activity and Inertness. If inertness prevails, we are inactive, bound down by certain ideas or by mere dullness. Sometimes activity prevails making us active and still other times equilibrium prevails and we experience a calm state.  Dominance of any one of the above qualities determine our inherent nature. By learning what they are and how to employ them, we will be able to do our work better. The important thing is to know that duty of one state of life, in one set of circumstances, will not and cannot be that of another Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. He who has no faith in himself can never have faith in God Avoid inactivity by all means . Plunge into the world and work. After a time, when you have suffered and enjoyed all in it, calmness will come. There will come a time when you will know that they are all very little things Every ma

Who's a great man?

" Who's a great man — he who gives up the world and becomes a saint or he who lives in this world as a house holder? ". A king had this big question on his mind. He inquired all the wise men who came to his country but none could convince the king. At last there came a young man and the king asked him the same question. Young man answered, " O King, each is equally great in his place ." King said : " Prove this to me " to which the man replied : " I will prove it to you, but you must first come and live as I do for a few days " The king consented and followed the man out of his own territory. They passed through many other countries until they came to a great kingdom. In the capital of that kingdom a great ceremony was going on. The princess of that country was about to perform 'swayamvara' (choose a husband from among those assembled before her). All the princes of the neighbourhood put on their bravest attire and presented themselve

Butcher who enlightened the saint

A young saint went to a forest and meditated for a long time. After years of hard work and practice, he was sitting under a tree one day. When some dry leaves fell upon his head, he looked up and saw a crow and a crane fighting on the top of the tree, which made him very angry. He angrily glanced at them, a flash of fire went out of his head — such was the power of the saint and burnt the birds to ashes! He was very glad at this development of power — he could burn the the crow and the crane just by a look After sometime he had to go to the town to beg his bread (In India it was a common practice for the saint to seek alms for their living). He went, stood at a door, and begged for food. A woman's voice came from inside the house, " Wait a little, my son ." The young man thought, " You wretched woman, how dare you make me wait! You do not know my power yet ." While he was thinking thus the voice came again: " Boy, don't think too much. Here is neither c

The Secret of Work

We must all work constantly . Good action will bring good effect and bad action will bring bad effect on us.  If a man continuously hears bad words, thinks bad thoughts, does bad actions, his mind will be full of bad impressions and they will influence his thought and work without his being conscious of this fact. Thus he becomes a bad man; he cannot help it. But the same man, when does so much good work and has thought so many good thoughts, there develops an irresistible tendency in him to do good in spite of himself and even if he wishes to do evil! His mind, as the sum total of his tendencies, will not allow him to do so. When such is the case, a man's good character is said to be established  Work, but let not the action or the thought produce a deep impression on the mind. How can this be done? Remember that the purpose of nature is to gain knowledge. Nature is a book in which we are to read, and that when we have gained the required knowledge, the book is of no more value