
Welcome to my blog.

My Blog name is Self Oblivion (state of forgetfulness) - I chose this blog name because we are unaware of the spiritual wisdom that has been passed on for thousands of years by the greatest personalities. Once we understand this wisdom, we can see how best we can adopt this in our daily lives and lead a life of better quality.

Without further boring lectures from my end, I'll get to the point.

Our spiritual wisdom comes from Rishis or Sages (perfected beings). Our sages suggest that we're in a state of forgetfulness and once we realize the divinity that lies within us, we will get rid of this worldly bondage and become free. Here comes 2 important questions
  1. Why we are not aware of the divinity that lies within us in first place?
  2. What is meant by free from worldly bondage?
Why we are not aware of the divinity that lies within us in first place?
They say that we were always divine and will continue to be forever. It is our ignorance that restricts us from realizing the divinity within us. The core objective of our spiritual wisdom is to get rid of this inherent ignorance (which is in turn created by nature)

What is meant by free from worldly bondage?
A state of infinite bliss (joy). All it is said in scriptures is "All the pleasures in this world or man can ever imagine is a mere drop compared to infinite bliss"

This blog is a mere attempt to share the very little I have learnt about our wisdom and throw some light on the highest thoughts and ideals of our forefathers, which still continues to amaze me. Hope it will amaze you too.

-Om Tat Sat


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