
Showing posts from 2021

The Arthashastra - Ultimate Indian Epic on statecraft

2400 years ago, there lived a being with an intellect of a thousand men , who believed failure is not even an option. The name of the 'legend' is Kautilya or Chanakya ' Arthashastra ' - As the name indicates, is the science of accumulating wealth. Kautilya strongly believed that wealth is the primary objective of statecraft. Accumulation of wealth without deviation from dharma is the crux of arthashastra . It is said that Kautilya refrained Chandragupta Maurya from conquering beyond India because he considered it as deviation from dharma. All the strategies are derived by listing down all possible combinations of scenarios - let it be war based or others. Despite being the owner of a very sharp mind, he himself stands on the shoulder of giants. He learns the works of 6-8 prominent teachers / schools in each field, assesses each of them in granular detail and derives his own conclusion after a series of debates with his fellow ministers. That makes him and his strategies

What brings highest results?

There was this great sage called Nârada. He was a great Yogi even among the gods. He travelled everywhere.  One day he was passing through a forest and saw a man who had been meditating until the white ants had built a huge mound round his body — so long had he been sitting in that position . He asked Narada, " Where are you going? " Narada replied, " I am going to meet God ". The man continued " Then ask God when He will be merciful to me; when I shall attain freedom " Further on Narada saw another man. He was jumping about, singing, dancing, and asked Narada, " Oh, Narada, where are you going? " His voice and his gestures were wild. Narada said, " I am going to meet God ". He said, " Oh is it? Then, ask when I shall be free ." Narada went on. In the course of time Narada came again by the same road and there was this man who had been meditating with the ant-hill round him. He : " Narada, did you ask the Lord about me?